I don't know if you are aware of this, but I have a slight obsession with dogs. I have talked about if there is a dog around me, I will spot it, and consequentially go up and play with it. I can't help it. I have no dog filter that stops me from loving them. Nick says that he would never let me go to an animal shelter by myself, because it is guaranteed that I would bring home all the dogs from there. What can I say, I have a soft spot for puppies (b.t.w. I call all dogs, no matter what age, puppies).
So, naturally when I moved into an apartment that would allowed pets, it was time for me to start looking for my own little pups to adopt. I thought it was important to rescue a dog, because there are so many animals out there looking for homes. I am a big advocate of adopting. If you are interested, go to AdoptaPet.com, and they can give you listings of all the dogs or cats available in your area.
One day I stumbled upon a picture of a puppy named "Patches", and was smitten. He was the cutest rescue puppy I think I have ever seen.The lady brought him over for me to meet him, and I decided to keep him. (My family is rolling their eyes, because there is no shocker there.) I renamed him Hudson, and the rest is history....
{My first pic with Hudson.}
Even though he is big and awkward, he brings me joy every single day. And now that the weather is nice, nothing makes me happier than going to the Dog Park or Dog Beach with my puppers and Nick. I mean really, not only do I get to be with my dog, but I get to lurk on all the other dogs in the vicinity too??? It is doggy heaven, and I am one happy girl!
Here are a few great pictures of my Goober McGroober (a.k.a Huds... a.k.a. Hudson) doing what he does best at the park!
{Yeah. He hasn't quite mastered the whole catching the ball in the air thing yet. Notice the flying ball is no where near him.}
{Ears back+ Tail up= One happy pup!}
He has grown to love the dog park, but the Dog Beach is a different story. You see, our little Hudson is a bit of a pansy, so naturally he would be terrified of the water. When we are at the beach, he refuses to leave our blanket.
{Did I mention his tongue is far too big for his mouth?}
My Summer has been made a thousand times better by this big goof, and I am so thankful for him!
Dear Hudson,
Even though you lick attack my face daily, shed everywhere, and step all of over me because you have no sense of personal space, I still love you. Thank you for making weird noises and grunts all the time, which make me laugh every time. Thank you for cuddling with me for a grand total of five minutes, before you ADD takes you somewhere else. Thank you for never chewing on any pairs of my shoes. But most of all thank you for being my goofy little child!
I love you!
Your Mom