Roddick is the old man of the group. While the other whippersnappers are running around, he just observes with disdain (I don't know if that is true, but that is the vibe I get lol). He is the sweetest dog, and has been in our family the longest. There will always be a special place in my heart for him...
Greta is my grandparent's dog, and she has quite the personality. She is a big cuddler, and loves her Mom and Dad very much. One thing though, make sure you don't throw a ball for her, because she will never stop chasing it down...we love her so much!
Blake is my parent's second dog (do you see a tennis theme in their dog names?). He is the tiniest of the group with the biggest spirit. He loves to post up by his mom's side, and never wanders far from her.
By the way, did I mention my dog thinks he is a lap dog even though he is 45lbs? Yeah, he tends to jump on your lap when you least expect it. And he is also really good at stare downs...
...and smiling....