Friday, December 21, 2012

Spreading the Love

Want to know one of my secret favorite parts of Christmas? 

Christmas Cards.

That's right. When I was little I would look through all the Christmas cards we got, even though I had no idea who most of them were from. I loved the idea of receiving and sending a little love to the important people in your life. 

Now I am a grown-up, living with my amazing boyfriend, and people are starting to considering us one of those important people...
 Every Christmas Card (and Birthday card for Nick) we got warmed my heart. We are so unbelievably lucky to have people in our lives that care about us. Your little cards of love mean more than you know!

And, in case you were wondering what our card looked like...
Ummm yeah. I am obsessed with it! And Hudson's face??? I mean, c'mon...

If you didn't get a card from's not because we don't love you, it's because we are broke and couldn't afford that many. But think of this as our virtual Christmas Card to you!

Happy Holidays everyone! Try and spread the love this season! 
You never know what small gestures mean to someone...


becky said...

Consider this your "virtual" Christmas present ....
Merry Christmas Kai.

shannon said...

LOVE that card. it's PERFECT.

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