Due to the planning efforts of Olivia, Kelsey, Tammy, and Stephanie, I was lucky enough to attend the First Annual So Cal Blogger Meetup last weekend at Sip in Del Mar!
Let me just say that I had SUCH a fun time! It was so nice to put a Face to the Blogs that I have read, and meet some truly fabulous ladies. Every single girl there was friendly and full of interesting stories. I had so much fun getting to know everyone, and learning about their lives. And the bonus is they all live nearby, so we can meet up whenever we want!
Olivia, Kelsey, Tammy, and Stephanie (that is a mouthful girls, we need a nickname for your group!) did SUCH a good job planning activities for us to get to know everyone. The first game was you get a pin, and if you say the words "Blog", "Blogger", "Blogging", etc. you get your pin taken away. Needless to say I got my pin taken away in the first five minutes...
{She was on her A-Game!}
But I did come out victorious in the next game! Blogger Bingo!
Each bingo card had facts about all the girls at the Meetup. Our mission to was to find the girl who matched the description, and get her to sign the card. Challenge Accepted! And what was my fact you ask?
"I am a Pint Sized lover of all things Ladylike!"
{Getting to know everyone!}
Love it! So true! Anyways...guess who was the winner of this game?
Me!! Yay me! And a Target gift card was my prize! Seriously, these ladies are genius, because I LOVE Target! I used the gift card two days later, by the way!
Then it was time for the Giveaways! Our lovely hosts did such a great job at pulling in sponsors who donated seriously AMAZING gifts! I think we can just all agree that these ladies did awesome in general.
And here is the most exciting thing! I won something! If anyone is familiar with my luck, or lack there of, they know I NEVER win anything. Luckily, I had my friend Kelsey to help me out. You see, Kelsey has a ridiculous amount of luck. She has one FOUR concert tickets on the radio!! So before the giveaway she gave me a pat for good luck, and it worked! I won the most awesome gift ever!
A 1 Hour Photo shoot with Karina Irene Photography! She is an amazing photographer, and I am so excited to get to work with her!
{One happy lady!}
Overall, it was a really great night! I loved having a glass of wine and getting to know some great girls, who have the same interests as I do. We all had a common thread that brought us together, and that was really cool to see! I am so grateful to Tammy, Stephanie, Kelsey, and Olivia for putting this whole night together, and I can't wait until the next one! A special shout out to one of my best friends Kelsey, for contributing so much to the night. I can see your passion for this stuff, and I am so proud of you! Love ya!
Cheers to our beautiful hosts!
p.s. Olivia MAY have caught me using my camera on my iPhone as a mirror to apply lip gloss.
{I'll get you back Olivia!}

Looks like it was so much fun! And lucky for you, it's an adorable picture of lipstick-applying. :)
love you boo boo :)
I'm so glad you did come! It was great meeting you and I love your blog!
How FUN! & you look GORGEOUS! So happy you won a Target Gift Card...that is the best prize EVER! ;)
Awww! This looks super fun!! And yay on the Target card. Even though I'd still like to blast on that missoni debacle. Can't even be bothered to capitalize the m word.
Pretty girls! Looks like SUCH a fun time! :D
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