Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Locals....

Today, I told you I would fill you in on one of my favorite things about living in Orange County. What is it, you ask? Well, there are a few locals around these parts that I have grown quite fond of over the years...

{p.s. we need a more updated pic of us 4}
That's right. A part of my family! My brothers, Shea and Bryn, and my sister-in-law Sarah, all live within 10 minutes of me! And let me tell, you this hasn't happened since before Shea went away to college. So that means, for the last 12 years of my life, I haven't been in the same city as three of the most important people in my life.

I feel so blessed now to get to see all of them basically every week...and to have the close knit bond that I do with each of them.

I could go on about how much those three mean to me, but I don't have enough tissues over here for all the waterworks. Besides, there is one family member close by that I forgot to mention, but who is the cutest of us all...

Mr. Parker Rhodes Mercado
The cutest Mercado to date!

That's right! I now live within a mile of this little guy, and he makes my day a little brighter each day I get to see him. I feel so lucky to get to see him grow up, and change, and develop. He is the smartest little boy. I might be a bit bias, but I also think he is the cutest thing this side of the Mississippi. 

And now, because I haven't blogged in a while, you guys get a Parker Cuteness with it...
{he loves his cheerios}
 {When BiBi comes to visit!}
 {A Water Baby}

Yes I just posted a bajillion photos of my I don't care....

The Locals here are pretty awesome...


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