We are officially in our new place!!!
My mom came down last Thursday and helped us move, and also was MVP at unpacking and organizing our new place. She was the biggest help in the whole entire world, and if she wasn't there, I am pretty sure Nick and I wouldn't have been able to move. Nick and my mom moved most of the big stuff while I was at work on Thursday and Friday. I can honestly say I have never been more thankful to go to work. :) No but in reality, I was bummed that I couldn't help more.
There was some minor setbacks with some cuckoo-cachoo people, which I can't even get into with fears of cursing, or pulling my hair out, or venting for an hour and a half. Anyways, we got through it, and thankfully are settled into our new place, putting the past behind us, and looking forward!!!
We are taking baby steps towards getting everything settled, and the apartment the way we want it. Unfortunately we can't afford to decorate everything right away, but over time it will look absolutely perfect. Here are a few sneaks at our progress so far...
My parents, Shea, Sarah, and Bryn all pitched in to buy me a sofa and love seat as an early birthday gift, and I honestly couldn't be more excited!! This isn't the best picture, but it is a beautiful sandy brown, and it is ridiculously comfy. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have a family to help me when I need it. I love each and every one of them SO much for everything they do for me on a daily basis. God has really blessed me with and amazing support system. Thank you guys!
Nick's Kitchen table..fits perfectly in our extra large dining/livingroom! And yes, I might do my make-up and hair there in the mornings. What? I like to sit down when I get ready!
Our 70's-esque kitchen. It is a good thing I love retro, because this house is definitely the epitome of retro.
The FABULOUS shower curtain Mamma Mercado bought us....I love navy and white together! We will be doing Yellow towels.
Guest Bedroom. We clearly need a frame for the bed. As Nick and I say..."Add it to the list!"
Awesome lamps that Mamma Mercado got for us as well. I am in love with both of them sooo much! And if you are wondering why one is sitting on the floor, it is because we don't have side tables yet....add it to the list....
We decided to work with the paneling in the bedroom, and create a grey and white striped pattern on the wall. My mom painted the whole thing, she is seriously so talented when it comes to decorating and crafts. I am obsessed with the way it turned out!!
So that is a little bit of my new place! As I said, it is coming along, slowly but surely. But the most important thing is that it is ours. Nick and I are making all these decisions together, and compromising on what we want, to make the other person happy. It is exciting going through this process with Nick. We still look around every once and a while, and smile because of this great place we have.
I am one lucky gal.
p.s. Sorry for the lack of posts. We haven't internet OR cable for the last week. (don't they understand I blog AND am missing all my shows???) But we are getting it all hooked up today!!! Yay!

woohoo! the place looks great, congrats :)
Love all that natural light streaming through the kitchen window! What a great place for you two :)
Your new place is coming along nicely! Decorating is definitely a marathon, not a sprint!
Congrats on the new place! That is so exciting. I love the bead spread in the guest room and have actually been looking for something similar for sooooo long! That pattern was our wedding theme and Im am trying to blend it into our bedroom theme too.
ahhhh can't wait to visit!! saturdayyyyy!!! <3
I love the light streaming in your kitchen window and that glorious shower curtain!! Congrats on the couch too--family is a wonderful thing.
congrats on the new place! :)
I love the clear lamps and the sofa! When I get my own place again the first thing I am buying is a nice couch. I've always had crappy second hand ones and I can't wait to pick out a beautiful comfy clean sofa! Can't wait to see more pics!
Kai, I just wanted to make sure that you
got my email about the tickets. I sent all the information to your blog email. Hope you can make it!!! And congrats on the new house. xx
how wonderful! happy new home to you both!!!
I love that gorgeous lamp! My mama is a total unpacking guru too!
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