Okay. So. Mommy dearest sent me pictures from last weekend! Yay! Back to your regularly scheduled blogging program.
I think Newport/Orange County is one of my favorite place in California to go shopping. So of course, whenever I am there I make a point to visit a few of my favorite malls. One of my all time favorites is Fashion Island in Newport! If you haven't been there, you definitely should make a visit. It is all outdoors, which makes it doggy central. Shopping and Puppies! What more could a girl need?
I behaved myself with the shopping, and just picked up some makeup at Nordstrom that I was in desperate need of. But, while I was there I thought why not have the make-up lady try something new on me? And what have I been dying to try out, but was to scared to do on my own????
Red Lips!
Ta-da! I can honestly say this is the first time I have ever touched red lipstick....and I gotta say...I don't hate it! It is a great change of pace, and makes a big statement. But my favorite is the classic feel that red lips brings to the table. Plus, I just so happened to be wearing my red sunnies that day, so it turned out to be a pretty retro look.
Here is a peek at more of my outfit!
{Jeans: Hudsons Top: H&M Sunglasses: F21 }
This is one of the tops I got from my H&M excursion! I told you I would model it for you! And I know what you are thinking, and the answer is yes I am on an island in the middle of a parking lot. We were in a hurry, on our way to lunch. I wanted to get pictures in before I ate, because the way I scarf down food my red lips would be gone in two seconds flat. And so the impromptu photo shoot begun!
I am clearly not down with a variety of poses quite yet, but I think I am feeling more comfortable in front of the camera. I know I am no model, and I got a little (lot of) junk in the trunk, but I gotta work what my momma gave me!
I know it isn't a super spectacular statement of an outfit, but I loved the look. My favorite part was the contrast of the bright white shirt and the red lips. Also, I might be obsessed with this top now, and want to wear it every day of Summer. I think you can re-wear a top every day if it is made out crochet right? That is some sort of loophole I think?