Preface: Boyfriend I love you. :)
If you were to ask anyone, I tend to have a lot of celebrity crushes. But, my celebrity crushes are a little our of the norm. While the hunky muscle men (Brad Pitt, Ashton Kutcher, Kellen Lutz, etc.) are visually appealing, I tend to be attracted to celebrities who are more off beat. Don't get me wrong, if Ashton Kutcher came up to me and kissed me, I probably wouldn't resist (sorry baby), but that is besides the point.I guess to explain myself I would have to let you know who my last two MAJOR celebrity crushes have been.
1. Jason Segel- The Funny Smart Adorable Guy. No but seriously, he wrote Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. He is a main character in How I Met Your Mother, which is my favorite TV show. AND he is a big part of the upcoming Muppets movie. He is seriously funny, and seriously good at what he does.
2. Zach Braff- The Quiet Creative Guy. I don't know if you have seen Garden State, but it was written and directed by Zach Braff. Not only that, but he chose the songs that were on the soundtrack, which is one of the all time best soundtracks ever. His creativity and talent are amazing.
So as you can see, a guy who has some serious talent and is passionate about what he does is what makes a celebrity crush for me. Now that you have my celebrity crush backstory, we can get into the Man of the Hour....
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Annnd SWOON. Can that boy rocks a suit or what? I don't know about you, but I remember JGL (yes his name is way too long to spell every time) from a little TV show back in the day called 3rd Rock From the Sun. Anyone? He was an awkward little teenager with long hair, but boy has he grown up.
(EDITOR'S REVISION) I forgot one of my personal favorites with JGL, 10 Things I Hate About You. This movie was one of the movies that defined Junior High/Beginning of High School for me. I don't know if you know this but it is actually based on Shakespeare's play "The Taming of the Shrew". JGL playing the cute nerd trying to get the ungettable popular girl was absolutely heart warming. I think we were all rooting for him right?
He first got some notice for a small production movie called 300 Days of Summer (which was amazing), and you might have more recently seen him in a little movie called Inception. Ever heard of it? He did a great job in the movie if I do say so myself. Not only does he look and act sleek and suave throughout the whole movie, but he pulled off a freakin' SPINNING ROOM FIGHT SCENE. That must be hard to do, I am only assuming because I have never actually been in a fight while a room is spinning.
Now I am excited to see his next big role, in the upcoming Dark Knight Rises film. My brother over at Tennis en Fuego, sent me here, where they discuss his new villainous role as Alberto Falcone. I am so interested to see JGL play a villain! I think he will do a great job playing someone less likeable than his other character in the past. He is a serious actor, who only chooses quality roles, and that is why I like him.
I know what you are thinking. Wow, he IS amazing. There can't be anything more cool things about him, right? Wrong! I just recently started following him on Twitter (@hitRECordJoe) and found out that he owns his own company, called HitRecord. It is an amazing concept for a company, which caught my eye because the amount of pure creativity that is going on there is on another level. I could try to explain to you what I'm talking about, but you should just visit the website and check it out for yourself. I think it is a pretty visionary company, that encourages creativity and art to flourish and grow. That is just my opinion, check it out for yourself.
For those, and many other reasons, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is my Man of the Hour!

JGL is definitely swoon worthy!! Love him!!! He's so handsome!
I also love Jason Segel he might not be the same type as handsome or swoon worthy as JGL, but he is definitely handsome and charming in his own catch way.
Loved reading this!
have a great day!
I just watched 500 days of summer this weekend (after spending like a year on the library's waiting list to get it haha), and kept saying to myself, and my boyfriend, how I couldn't believe how JGL hasn't seemed to age since 10 things I hate about you, and that he if anything just keeps getting hotter. When did this happen???
total swoon...LOVE him!
He is a cutey
Hard to believe he was just a boy on Third Rock From The Sun not that long ago.
He turned out GOOD
Girl you're not alone. I start drooling everytime I look at JGL. He's adorable and I wish I could clone him and take him everywhere with me. I don't think my boyfriend would mind....? lol
AHH! Love him. I've totally been a fan of 3rd Rock from the Sun and all of his other movies you mentioned! SWOON is right!
I loved him in 3rd Rock.. & in 10 Things & 500 days... AND Inception...
HitRECord just made me love him even more!
Way to pick a crush lady!
You swoon correctly! JGL is so adorable, in that quirky, indy way. <3 <3 Good call on Jason Segal, too!
Indeed, I truly think he's talented, I used to watch 3rd rock from the sun and laugh so hard, also loved 500 days of summer. But when I remember 10 things I hate about you, Heat ledger comes up wasn't he acting on that movie? maybe I'm a bit confused need to check it out.... Cheers :)
when did he get so handsome anyway :D
ahh i love him so so much too!! we'll have to share :) haha
i feel like i'd fall in love with mr. braff too...but i just need to finally see garden state!! i'm going to try to this weekend :)
Ooo Jason Segal! Foregetting Sarah Marshall is the movie my boyfriend and I love to watch together the most, it's SO funny, love, love, love it. And I agree that Jason Segal is so cute! Zach Braff is funny and I would probabbbllly hook up with him. JSL is definitely memorable from 3rd Rock from the Sun, I used to love his hair! He did grow up to be quite hot, I must say. And I loved his and her wardrobe in 500 Days of Summer. Love your unique taste :)
i absolutely remember him from 3rd Rock. such a great show.
my all-time celebrity crush (which the boyfriend DESPISES) is Channing Tatum (or is it Tatum Channing??? ha)
talk about yummm. Terrible movies... great eyes.
loved him in '3rd rock from the sun' and '10 things i hate about you'!
he was brilliant in 'inception' as well!
u sure know how to pick 'em eh!
Oh he is so handsome! :)
Oh my word, I have the SAME obsession. He is literally my kryptonite. I'm drooling just thinking about him, and those pictures you posted are AMAZING!
Definitely agree with you on the swoon-worthyness of JGL. He's gorwn so nicely! ;)
SAME crushes here! I just fell head over heels for JGL after Inception. I haven't seen 500 Days of Summer yet, but it's on the Netflix queue. And yep...Jason Segel! For an older guy crush...Vince Vaughn :)
OMG, Jason Segel is mine lol! I'm totally with you on liking the offbeat guys (which is always great when your friends don't have the same taste in men!!)
I can make a button for you if you tell me what size you'd like (would only take me a few minutes). Or you can look on Daniela's blog ( and copy that one I made for her! Thanks for asking :)
just found your blog and love the post! Please please tell me you've seen the movie "I Love You Man." It's Jason at his best! If you haven't seen it, I strongly suggest it! Perfect movie with quirky, awkward humor.
mmm i LOVE him <33
so gorgeous & classy-looking!!
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